We are delighted to announce Alison Zavos, Founder of Feature Shoot, has chosen Maureen Ruddy Burkhart Susan Borowitz and Shira gold winners of Feature Shoot Reader Spotlight. Each month, Alison Zavos hand selects three photographers to feature their work in both our newsletters. This includes a combined audience (including agents, curators and publishers) of 80,000. The winners’ work will also be featured on Feature Shoot in the coming months.

Maureen Ruddy Burkhart

Maureen Ruddy Burkhart found a family in a dead branch of a tree during a walk in the summer of 2021. She photographed them all season long, until the area was sprayed with mosquito repellent. The birds vanished without food. By chance, she found them again by another lake.

The artist states that “the mosquitos incident awakened in me an acute understanding of the fragility and the planet.” Her photographs of these birds formed the basis for her series ‘Evanescence: For Things That Are Fleeting Or Quickly Disappearing. An ode to an endangered natural world.