Aleksandra Walker moved to Australia in 2021 and began building her business.

brand-new portrait photography studio. It just so happened that was about to reach 44. She had an idea to offer sensual portraits for women older than 45. She would make it more than a simple photoshoot. The all-day experience will include the portrait, a pampering, and a podcast.

Concept struck a chord immediately. Women 45 years and older wanted to be heard and seen. Walker received more than 400 applications in the first year. Women from all over the country came to participate in this project.

The project was the sole source of income for Walker during that particular year. Over time, the 45over45 became a part My Body My Story a larger collection sensual portrait packages available at Walker’s Studio. She shared every detail, from the pricing of the package to the marketing on social media.

When and how did this idea for a project come about?

“When I moved from the United States to Australia five year ago, I had a lot of things to start over in my life. I was nearing my 44th birthday, and feeling down. My friends, business and social life were all still in Dubai, where I had lived for 13 years.

“By that time, I had been in the business of photography for ten long years.” Women of all ages wanted sensual photos. I didn’t call it “boudoir photography” as the main goal was to bring out the sensuality of a woman, whether she was in lingerie or dressed up. I noticed the more mature the woman was, the more confident. She was in touch with her age, even though she didn’t look like a woman of 20.

“I was feeling down, going through a body change, and I wanted to do a sensual shoot for myself. I searched for sensual photoshoots for women over 40 years old, but could not find any.

I did a photo shoot for myself, and it made me feel so good. I found out that I’m more confident than I had thought. I have just reconnected to myself. It was fun to change outfits, accessories and have a makeover. It was almost like a mini therapy session for me.

“I thought that creating a project of photography would be a great way to achieve everything I was looking for. As a newcomer to Australia, my goal was to get to know Australian women, to build my business, to find new friends my own age and to socialize in my studio. As an introvert I enjoy quiet, one-on-one conversations and connections.

“The idea to photograph women in their 40s and 50s isn’t new. These shoots are very popular around the globe. But I wanted to do something more. I wanted to make a connection with the aging of our bodies and find out what other women thought about it. I wanted to hear their stories and encourage them to share those stories with the world.