Archive Post

Sofia Coppola Releases Her Debut Photo Book

Sofia Coppola, while working on the set for The Virgin Suicides "made a statement" about Wearing a…

The image you have in mind when you think about boudoir might be outdated. Stephanie Bordas…

The Unit Stills Photographer Behind the Iconic Images from Everyone’s Favorite Black Mirror Episode

The photographer David Dettmann was in Cape Town at night. Shooting for five nights in a row.He…

Photography and Mental Health: Personal Accounts from Photographers Dealing with Depression

Susan Borowitz experienced her first clinical depression as she approached mid-life. "My trigger was a small…

Typical Errors in Boudoir Photography and Strategies for Preventing Awkward Moments

One thing I learned about boudoir photography in the last few weeks is that it's…

François Brunelle’s Life Was Transformed by His Doppelgänger Photography

Francois Brunelle says, "This project helped me to realize who I am." Since 2000, the artist has been…