
Vintage Pride Photography captures tender portraits of anonymous couple collected from flea markets, yard sales, and other antique stores dating back to the early 1900s. Love stories of LBGTQ+ people through the years . The first book by an American author was published in 1979. Lesbian photographer The book, which features photographs of lesbians, was published. Sage Sohier captured the joy and togetherness of LGBTQ+ families in the 1980s.

The Invisibles Vintage Portraits Of Love And Pride published by Rizzoli kicks off the collection of vintage Pride Photography. Sebastien Lifshitz , an artist and filmmaker, collected these photos from yard sales and flea market. He explains:

To get these photos, [the couples] would have had to go to a local photo lab and develop the film. They then returned to the lab to collect the prints. The couples had to expose themselves in a social setting. It was more important to them that they keep a record of their love than any disapproval from a business or concern about what other people might think. ‘”

Eye To Eye, by JEB (aka Joan E. Biren), widely regarded as the US’s first lesbian photography book, with photographs of Lesbians, was made at a time when the Women’s Liberation Movement, Civil Rights Movement, and Black Feminist Movement paved the path for future generations.