Francois Brunelle says, “This project helped me to realize who I am.” Since 2000, the artist has been seeking out–and photographing–unrelated “look-alikes” who could pass

For identical twins. Many of them had never met each other before entering his studio and others lived thousands of miles away.

As it turned out, the artist found his own doppelganger as he worked on the project. He reflects, “Perhaps all of us have a desire for someone who looks similar to ourselves.” “I think we hope this person, in fact is a little like us,” he reflects. The project has travelled the world, and led to scientific studies: Last year, one of the studies revealed that “lookalikes” with the most similarities actually shared more genes than those looking less alike.

Brunelle says, “This project helped me find at least 500 new friends (the looks-alikes I have in my collection), as well as a lot interesting people (journalists, scientists),” Brunelle explains now. ‘I’m not a look-alike! is a project that has captured the interest of many generations. In the age of the internet, when everything seems to be fleeting, it is one project which endures.

Brunelle’s portraits pose questions about the meaning of humanity and our relationship with one another. The project has sometimes gone as far as answering those questions. However, it always generates new ones.

Did you know where you would end up when you started this project almost 25 years ago?

Francois Brunelle, I always wanted to create a book. On which I’m working seriously right now, as well as a large exhibition. I never thought that it would be so widely published.

How did you find the first people who were willing to join the project at the start?

Francois Brunelle: I’ve noticed that there are some look-alikes all around me. When I began the project, I contacted these couples. After I had reached out to a few couples, I ran out of people. The internet was exploding and I thought it would be a good idea to ask the media for assistance. Thanks to the journalists around the world, I was able to contact many potential doppelgangers.