Archive Post

Category: Still Life

Revealing the March Winners of the Feature Shoot Reader Spotlight

We are delighted to announce Alison Zavos, Founder of Feature Shoot, has chosen Maureen Ruddy Burkhart Susan…

Creating Tales of Mystery and Suspense in Miniature Form

Mark Peterman , a photographer, tells me that he often says the scenes are either before…

The Unfiltered Raw Beauty of Early Motherhood

. The females can lay up to a thousand eggs in their lifetime. Sorgini observed this female…

“Mothpocalypse” in Vancouver Underscores Our Planet’s Vulnerability

Shira Gold explains to me that "some people called it a moth epidemic." Others called it…

This Artist Aims to Challenge the Dismissal of Women’s Hormonal Issues

Photographer Anna Guadagnini Tell me. She was motivated to start the project. The Other Side of Joy After years of…

CENTER’s 2022 Award Winners Dive Into Themes of Depression, Family Connections, Climate Action, and Beyond

In Charleston, South Carolina, a statue is removed for the first time since 124 years.…

7 Photographers Who Use Their Cameras to Explore and Process Grief

father's memory. These seven photographers explore the unknown waters of grief in different ways. They tell…

This Photographer Captures Nature’s Vanishing Wonders from a Mobile Camper Home

The Canadian artist Julya Hajnoczky told me, "I have stood in old-growth forests listening to ravens and…

Star Wars-Inspired Photography: 4 Creative Projects

Films that defined a whole generation. This collection of Star Wars photos includes Wookiees and stormtroopers…

Captivating Nature Photography with a Dark, Eerie Twist

The artist spent two months in Costa Rica. Jason DeMarte Nature photography occupied him for days and…