Ami Vitale first met Kamara in Kenya. Kamara was a ranger who raised three orphaned rhinos. Kilifi was one of the orphaned rhinos, an 18-month old who had been raised by the conservancy from his earliest days. Kamara raised the rhinos by hand, working twelve hour days in any weather. He once protected a child from a lion. Kamera & Kilifi is Vitale’s portrait depicting the ranger with the baby Kilifi. It can be purchased for only $100 in the Vital Prints Winter Sale.

Participating are over 100 photographers from a variety of genres. Along with prints by some of the most renowned conservation, wildlife and environmental photographers in the world, Dr. Jane Goodall contributed signed prints. Photographs taken by Dr. Goodall during her time in Gombe National Park in the 1960s, when she met David Greybeard and later welcomed into his community, are included. She also made important discoveries during this period about the inner lives of chimpanzees.